Over ten years ago, the ‘Party & Entertainment Access Ministry’ at La Briche Foraine launched an ambitious programme of fundamental research into partying, by setting up the Institut Grand Festif (IGF). Consisting of around fifty artists, craft-workers and builders, this institute brings together dedicated researchers, who devote their energy to devising new protocols likely to foster a genuine appetite for celebration within individuals, contributing to a more joyful and pacifistic society.
Gare Saint Sauveur
17 Bd Jean-Baptiste Lebas, 59800 Lille
Metro: Mairie de Lille or Lille Grand Palais
V’Lille stations: Bvd Louis XIV or Jean-Baptiste Lebas
Go with Ilévia: www.ilevia.fr/itineraires
Opening hours
Wednesday > Sunday
10am > 7pm
Free entry
Guided group tours
Information and bookings:
T : +33 (0)6 03 73 95 48
↑ La Briche foraine Saint Denis 2015 © Dominique Secher