The smiles are as broad as the appetite and the happiness of being together. The table, sometimes set and sometimes in disarray, indicates the moment in the meal when the photograph was taken. Very often, in the whirlwind of the party, we think about it a little late and the plates are empty when the time comes to immortalise this precious moment.
Hasty or applied, there is no family meal without its photograph. In our attics, albums and shoeboxes, we all have images of this kind, so familiar to us all, with their rare sincerity and sometimes dubious formal qualities. This is how memories are formed, as part of a universal and widespread social practice that, all in all, is fairly repetitive.
As part of La Fileuse’s programme, the CRP/Centre régional de la photographie Hauts-de-France is staging an exhibition on the making of this domestic iconography.
The Loossois and Loosoises are at the heart of the project, as the content of the exhibition will come from a large-scale collection from local residents.
Whether it’s a banquet, a New Year’s Eve dinner, a wedding or a picnic, À table ! offers an intimate archaeology of the family and the community, with a taste for simple pleasures and a certain sweet, comforting nostalgia.
Audrey Hoareau, Director of the CRP/ Centre Régional de la Photographie Hauts-de-France
With the CRP / Centre régional de la photographie Hauts-de-France
La Fileuse
81 rue du Maréchal Foch, 59120 Loos
Bus: Line 5/10 – Stop: Loos Mairie
Stations V’Lille : La Fileuse
Allez-y avec Ilévia :
Opening hours
Wednesday: 10am > 12pm and 2.30pm > 5.30pm
Friday: 2.30 pm > 5.30 pm
Free entry
Guided group tours
Saturday 26 April and Saturday 24 May at 10am
For bookings:
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