“We are what we read. Our thinking is structured by the information and knowledge that we acquire, particularly when reading. For the Délivrance installation, I collected all the press that we read over the previous year. We know that metaphors relating to memory often evoke layers: talking about the memory of the earth in geology, or the memory of humanity in anthropology is an allusion to the stratified configuration of temporal events.
A train travels through a landscape made of newspapers, telling of past and present events in Lomme and throughout the world. The traveller glimpses the news, events and people who are shaping the reality of the present time. Politics and human conflicts are brief instants that define our daily landscape, remaining in our memory as one more layer of an endless story.
A projector connected to a camera on the train projects real-time images, captured by the camera, onto a screen. The change of scale transforms the landscape into something real, a journey through Lomme and the cities of Europe. Each individual views reality through their own obsessions. In this archaeology of our inner visions, subjectivity defines our relationship with the world.”
With the CRP / Centre régional de la photographie Hauts-de-France
↑ © Mateo Maté